
Showing posts from February, 2024

Teacher Websites and Digital Planning Tools

    When I looked at the Chiles website I found lots of resources for students to use. Everything was linked and organized where it was easy to find. I like teacher websites because they keep all the relevant information in one place. I can see how it can be a little of a chore for teachers to have to maintain but its worth it.     When I am a teacher I imagine using technology a lot. There may be new websites or applications when I start working in the classroom. Some of my favorite ways to use technology to be more efficient is digital planners and calendars. I like to make lists of things that need to be done so these digital planners really help me remember what needs to be done.      Doing Assignment 2 in Canvas Groups was interesting. I had never used that application before so it was kind of fun to figure out how to use it, but because my group kind of waited til the last minute it kind of stressed me out. We got it done in time though. I feel bad for new teachers using this for

Diigo, Blogging, Web 2.0

      Honestly Diigo is a really cool tool. I am not sure how often I would really need to use it as I do not often collaborate on projects, but it is really cool that the option is there. It could be really helpful in just my own personal use. When reading web articles for research I often find myself wanting to highlight certain parts so I can look back on them. I can see myself using Diigo to save my own highlights and notes to make research easier.      Blogging in this class has been very fun! I like writing about and sharing my experiences. I do not consider myself the best writer so that aspect may need some work. I have learned that It takes longer than you think to articulate and relay what you want to say. When writing these blogs I either read it over and over until I'm sick of it, or I write it and never look at it again.           One Web 2.0 tool that i found is called "Charles Kelly's Quiz Generator". It honestly looks like it would take me a little whi

Developing a PLN, Bridging the Digital Divide, and Using Academic Software

    In my early experience using Instagram in my Personal Learning Network I have realized how excited I am to be a teacher one day. I love seeing all of the creative and colorful room decorations as well as cute teacher outfits. The Instagram page that I really like is Sarah Poquette's account called _bigheartlittleminds_. I know that everyday teaching will not always look like these teacher insatgram accounts but I am excited for the possibility.      The digital divide is something I never thought about that much before I considered becoming a teacher. It really affects how students learn. One of the causes of the digital divide is a wage gap between families. The real challenge comes in when the divide is in one classroom. It will be difficult to come up with ways to use technology without setting unachievable goal for one student, but also using all available tools for another. If you cut out some technology, you may be holding some kids back. It is a delicate balance that I h

My Lack of ELA Tech Standards Knowledge

    In looking at the Florida Standards for computer science, I have realized that I am definitely underprepared.  I can handle the first few benchmarks about communication and collaboration, however, the father down the document I scroll, the less I know. The first, most basic standard is the ability to collaborate with peers about what information you have found. This also requires being able to conduct basic internet searches. I feel equipped to teach this, however that is one of the only standards I feel comfortable teaching.      The subject area that I selected was first grade social studies. I found a resource about George Washington, learning why he is so important to our country. Not only does the resource provide social studies knowledge, it also gives a lesson plan about identifying vocabulary words. It is a direct and specific lesson plan, so using it in a classroom would be very straight forward. I will definitely be using this website in my future.      Internet searching

Copyright/Fair Use, Tech Implementation, & AI in the classroom

      Copyright and Fair Use when it comes to my own works does not concern me too much. If I put time and effort into creating instructional materials, I want others to benefit from that too. However, with my students, they should get to decide to what extent they want their work to be shared. If they feel comfortable with posting it somewhere and allowing others to utilize it, it is totally up to them.      Cyberbullying is the most important technology implementation issue. This issue is so important to me because it can have such large and lasting effects on people. Cyberbullying is so popular, for lack of a better term, because it is so easy to do. No one needs to see your face in order for you to post a mean comment and tear someone down. The internet should be seen as a whole new location where children must learn how to act. To curb the liklihood of cyberbullying I would like to teach my students how to respect others, even when they do not agree with them. If children respect