Copyright/Fair Use, Tech Implementation, & AI in the classroom

     Copyright and Fair Use when it comes to my own works does not concern me too much. If I put time and effort into creating instructional materials, I want others to benefit from that too. However, with my students, they should get to decide to what extent they want their work to be shared. If they feel comfortable with posting it somewhere and allowing others to utilize it, it is totally up to them. 

    Cyberbullying is the most important technology implementation issue. This issue is so important to me because it can have such large and lasting effects on people. Cyberbullying is so popular, for lack of a better term, because it is so easy to do. No one needs to see your face in order for you to post a mean comment and tear someone down. The internet should be seen as a whole new location where children must learn how to act. To curb the liklihood of cyberbullying I would like to teach my students how to respect others, even when they do not agree with them. If children respect their peers and understand what being unkind to others causes, they should be less likely to engage in such behaviors. 

    Generative AI can be used as a new tool to help students. Don't get me wrong, it does pose a new set of problems, but so did the internet when it was first developed. Honestly, I am not the most creative person, so it does a lot to help me in that regard. In upper level classes, like high school and college, the use of it will need to be closely monitored. I am not sure how to monitor it though, if used effeceintly it is hard to tell when AI has been used to do something like write a paper. 

    I had tons of fun with the newsletter assignment. I really enjoyed making up little lesson plans and creating a fun Christmas activity schedule. I did kind of model it after the newsletters that were sent home with me when I was in elementary school. The slip on the bottom was modeled after a fundraiser that happened about once a month at my school. The most valuable thing I learned from the assignment was getting more comfortable with columns. I knew how to use them before but I this assignment helped brush off the dust and let me learn some new stuff about using them. 


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